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Helping make our area a safer place is just a few clicks away.
Joining the Meerensee Community Police Forum keeps you in the loop about local issues, such as crime, safety, and community events.
As a free service, we can email crime alerts and community news right to your inbox, and you can choose both what to receive and the frequency at which you wish to receive it, so why not join now and keep informed!
PLEASE REPORT ALL CRIME TO SAPS - LESS REPORTED INCIDENTS = FEWER RESOURCES. The more cases that are opened, the more resources are allocated to our stations.

CRIME REPORTING 26th April 2024

SILLY SEASON 18th December 2023

SUPPORT 7th October 2023

ZO REPORT 21st March 2023

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Meerensee Community Policing Forum- To encourage participative crime prevention actions by the community including awareness
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Number of visits since 25th June 2010 - 337905